Updates 5:
in camp takes a turn at doing cleaning chores according to a strict
rota. Dave (aka napmeister) is the designated "House Mouse" tomorrow.
One of his tasks is to help today's mouse (in this case Meg)
do the evening dishes.
The mouse gets to hang out in the warm all day and gets
to choose the music.
Dave - I hope Sarah liked your bagpipes CD!
Dave and Meg taking their turn in
the Scullery
Sarah prepares dinner for the camp
Another daily chore is to
drag a big barrel of water from the large snow melter in the generator
building over to the Big House using a skidoo or the Tucker. This
water is transferred to a big tank which supplies the kitchen, scullery,
toilet, showers and clothes washer. It is quite a time-consuming
operation, so everyone is encouraged to use water sparingly!
Water run
Meanwhile, back at the science
camp it is cold and clear first thing, -43 C!
It takes a while for Jack to get his mist chambers running.
However, he is forced to quit early by severe freezing problems.
Temps plummeted to -47C!
Zoe is Winky
A little sun
peaking out. The winds slowly shifted around clockwise during
the day. Lots of drifting snow and blowing snow so a big drift formed
on the top of and around the group sampler - AGAIN - very tiresome!
The group probe getting drifted in -
More drifting...
In addition to the group experiments,
Andreas (UCI) is working hard trying to estimate OH using a technique
which requires the addition of reactive hydrocarbons to a transparent
chamber sunk into the natural snow surface.
Andreas fills stainless steel canisters with air taken from
different places in the chamber. They are then boxed up ready for the
trip back to Irvine, California for analysis for hydrocarbons and
various chlorine, bromine and iodine-containing organic gases.
Andreas setting up the snow chamber experiment
Andreas hauling boxes of sampling canisters.
Clear morning with light wind, but only -37C. On the science
agenda today is another experiment to monitor the (often very rapid)
response of chemicals emitted from the snow when exposing the group probe
to cycles of natural sunlight/UV shading/Visible+UV shading.
5pm. Already -40C, but at least the wind is down.
Looks like a poor day for Jack's experiment data wise. The door
of the mist chamber box sampling through the group probe came open,
letting the extreme cold air in and it took 1 hour to thaw out.
So they only got a little over 1 cycle of the shading. In the process
of freezing up and having to be thawed the mist chamber got real contaminated
and is taking a while to clean up.
-Such are the frustrations of working in such difficult conditions!
Shading experiment with the UV block panel in place and now
the visible block (cardboard sheet!) goes on
visible block (cardboard sheet) in place
Carl the camp mechanic
is evacuated on a special Twin Otter flight because of severe back
pain. There was no specific injury, but he has been suffering for
a while. He was hoping that it would improve with rest...with no
Twin Otter - the rescue plane arrives!
The patient on sled
Hope you feel better
soon Carl - we'll miss you!
Closeup of Twin Otter's skis
Loading up the Twin Otter
In spite of the longer
sunlit hours the outside temperatures at Summit continue to decline
- hey, what happened to spring!!
Trend in outside temp over the past week
Also see how they have declined over the past month HERE
Happy Birthday Brad!
Sarah conjures up an Easter Birthday
cake - guess it's not too cold for bunnies, even at Summit!
Easter Feasters
Lone Peep
Manuel prepares Greenlandic Coffees
Princess Kelly in a coffee ad
Another bunny sighting at Summit!
The Easter Zoe
Bird sighting - come to rescue the peep?
Princess Cort
The sprites of Summit
Dancing the night
Zoe, Andreas and Dave listening to the game - Denver University
wins NCAA National Hockey title 1-0 over Maine!!
It's all too much for the Napmeister!
What a sleeping beauty...
In fine napping form!
Temperatures may finally be creeping up!
Jack says it was way warm last night and is a warm AM (-34C!!). He
actually woke up with his head out of the bag for the first time.
He says "Nice thing about this is that I can lay on my back and not have
the icy edge of the sleeping bag pressed into my face."
- Progress I guess!!
Sarah, the camp's esteemed
cook, takes "the tour" of the science camp activities.
Sarah being entertained in the Bally Mobile
Lab by Dave (the napmeister) Tanner
The Summit webcam is back online!